about-annI started my journey of writing years ago, when I felt the Lord was calling on me to use writing to glorify Him. I was not raised in a Christian home, but I was fortunate I was saved before we got married and had our children. I worked as a hair dresser for years, until I had my second child. My husband and I prayed about it, and decided I should sale my part in the beauty shop and stay home with the children. So I did, and after the beauty shop was sold my husband was blessed with more finances. We were able to build our first home! I remember our Minister’s wife said the Lord can bless a little the same as He can a lot, and He did. 

I have a love for people and my heart’s desire is to serve the Lord, take care of my family, minister His word, and pray for His people. I feel like the Lord wants me to help get His word out to His people and churches through writing and speaking. Now, I want to give back what the Lord has given to me. 

I feel like one of my callings is to pray for people. I had a blind Aunt who prayed for people all over the United States. She received prayer requests by phone, and sometimes she would have to take the phone off the hook in order to get some rest. People would call her around the clock. Now, maybe the mantle has passed on to me. People have been calling me for years for prayer, and I love praying for them. Please send any prayer requests to prayerrequest@annwilsonbooks.com